It really is the journey . . .
We've all heard the adage, "It's not about the destination, but the journey" or something to that effect. But, that really is true. In education, the end game is constantly changing. The destination for kids today will not be the same as the destination for kids twenty years from now, nor is the one today what it was twenty years ago. Education is always evolving - it is fluid and continually adapting itself to what the market dictates. So, how do we navigate that? We keep focusing on the the intangibles that make the journey sweet . . .
1. Compassion -We need to do a better job of showing mercy when someone messes up, because tomorrow it'll be our turn to need mercy.
2. Caring - Life really does happen, and often we have no idea what's going on in each others' personal lives.
3. Competence - If I'm good at something, own it and share it. If I'm not, find who is and go learn from them.
4. Contentment - I think it's really an art to take pleasure in where you are on the way to where you're going.
It's the journey - not the destination. Enjoy your journey this year!
I love your blog, Janet! So encouraging and inspirational. Thank you!! :)